Props, Furniture & Furnishings
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Listings Map

- Factory Bedrooms
- Frinton Frames Ltd
- London Prop Hire
- Real Oasis
- Red Bank Props
- The Social Kitchen
- Vestus
- 27 West Park Ltd
- Academy Furniture Hire
- After Noah
- Angry 9 Military Props Hire
- Art Plinths
- Arthouse Hire
- Ballinderry Antiques
- Brimlake
- Bushwood Antiques
- Carmen Constantine Interiors
- Carved Wall Art
- China & Co Props Hire
- City Furniture Clearance Ltd
- Clock Props
- Coates English Willow
- Cumbria Crystal
- D & A Binder Shopfittings
- Dallas Event Services
- Defrise
- Duchess & Butler
- Europa International
- Event Solutions
- Frances Hunt Furniture
- Furniture On The Move
- Furniture Prop Hire London
- GBJ Design
- Granger Hertzog
- Greathire
- Heritage Refurbishment
- Hip Props Hire Ltd
- Jones Hire
- Kevin Wheeler Hire
- Knightsbridge Office Services Ltd
- Living History Portraits
- Mary Propins
- MetroRetro
- Modern Props Ltd
- Newman Hire Co Ltd
- Old Times Furnishing
- Options Greathire
- Original Art Hire
- Park Royal Office Furniture
- Penderyn Antiques
- Photographic Hire
- Printed Props
- Propaganda UK Ltd
- Quirky Duck Prop Hire
- Reclaimed Design
- Rufus J Maypole
- Scott Lorenzo
- Simon Horn Ltd
- Superhire
- The Chandelier & Mirror Company Ltd
- The Lacquer Chest
- The Vintage Emporium
- Think Vintage
- Typewriters - Period & Modern
- Vintage Haus Interior
- Walton Fine Arts
Note: the pin shows the centre of the listing postcode, and does not pinpoint the exact address.
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Props, Furniture & Furnishings