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At Lutterworth Trailer Hire we pride ourselves in the quality of our work and the customisability we can offer our clients. We can custom fit out any of our catering units with the exact equipment that you need for your business to run smoothly and we can also create bespoke vehicles for you if you...View profile to read more. | Call: 0116 482 9381

Categories: Catering Services, Catering Equipment, Location Facilities, Locations, Vehicles   Review: Write a review

Specialist Location Facilities. Serving The Film & Television Industry For 32 Years. Established in 1991, On Set Location Services has rapidly emerged as one of the worlds leading suppliers of location facilities. Since our inception, we've provided support to the TV and film industry across...View profile to read more. | Call: 01763 244886

Categories: Location Facilities, Transport, People, Transport, Vehicles, Transport, Construction & Props, Locations, Vehicles   Review: Write a review

Film & TV Location Catering Peepal UK is one of the finest catering companies growing rapidly whilst delivering good quality tasty food across the world of TV & Films. Founded in 2018, by an experienced Chef director and award winning chef, Kapil Kaushik, the business is operated from its cen...View profile to read more. | Call: 020 7635 0963

Categories: Catering Services, Locations, Outdoors, Location Facilities, Catering Equipment, Catering, Craft Services   Review: Write a review

We have 6 matching VISIONS enabling you to provide your talent equal star treatment as well as the unique CLOU. Very versatile vehicles with large lounge, fully equipped kitchenette, separate hair/make-up/wardrobe room, toilet & shower. Our 8th Winnie has been designed to eliminate 2 vehicles! I...View profile to read more. | Call: 07973 432003

Categories: Locations, Vehicles, Location Facilities   Review: Write a review

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